”Health with Sveta,” is a podcast where Dr. Sveta Silverman blends her extensive medical expertise and passion for teaching health. Dr. Silverman is an immigrant from the former USSR and a double-trained physician—first as a pediatric surgeon and now as a surgical pathologist in Canada—Dr. Sveta’s mission is to empower millions to improve their health from the inside out, starting with their cells.

Dr. Sveta emphasizes that cellular health and happiness are influenced by our choices. Drawing from her experience diagnosing cancer and unhealthy cells, she teaches that we hold ”the remote control” to our overall health. In today’s world, where health is crucial, Dr. Sveta simplifies complex medical concepts into actionable, relatable advice.

Join Dr. Sveta on this enlightening journey to better health. Tune in to ”Health with Sveta” and learn how to take control of your health, one cell at a time.